Where can you find us?

You can find us in Banská Bystrica, on Janka Krála Street 3. We are located in a corner building with an adjacent car park. We have a marked parking space reserved for you. We look forward to your visit.

We are available Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 16:00.

Design office

1st. floor
Janka Krála 3
97401 Banská Bystrica

Billing information

Stepanek3D, s.r.o.

Poľná 6727/100
97405 Banská Bystrica

IČO: 52037282
DIČ: 2120870147

IČ DPH: SK2120870147

IBAN: SK30 8330 0000 0028 0152 7848

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